Achu Unnikrishnan from Koyikkaleth family gets Young Scientist award from UNESCO and TERI. Invention appreciated by APJ Abdul Kalam and Madhavan Nair (Chairman ISRO)

Achu Unnikrishnan

Achu and his team invented the TCAS system to prevent train collisions. The project received various prestigious awards and recognitions.

  1. Recognition from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam for the best innovative project
  2.  Acceptance of core idea by Indian Railway and RDSO.
  3.  Appreciation and acceptance from Southern Railway during the safety meeting held on 29.03.2010 by RDM Mr. Rajiv Dutt Sharma
  4.  Young scientist award by UNESCO and TERI
  5.  First price in International tech fest held by Teri and appreciation from Mr. Madhavan Nair, Chairman of ISRO

Abstract: Objective of TCAS is to prevent train collisions in block sections and on running lines at stations. TCAS shall comprise of equipment to be fitted on-board engine/ guard van/SLR/any other vehicle used as last vehicle/ railway station /level crossing exc. Under collision possibilities, TCAS shall give audio-visual warning to loco pilot and if the loco pilot fails to respond within 5 seconds, TCAS shall take action to control the speed of the train using its own intelligent breaking system. However in case of imminent collision situations, TCAS shall apply breaks instantly using the intelligent breaking system so as to stop the train short of safe distance. TCAS shall use appropriate, reliable and accurate technology/ equipment to determine the position of trains .TCAS shall be universally suitable for all types of sections of Indian railways such as station equipped with relay interlocking, electronic inter locking etc. TCAS shall be suitable for all types of electric and diesel locomotives including all types of microprocessor based locomotives, running on Indian railways. TCAS shall be suitable for air/ vacuum break/ dual/ electro- pneumatic system of diesel and electric locomotives as well as other self propelled vehicles treated as train. TCAS units shall be capable of working in all electrified as well as non electrified territories. TCAS network shall be suitable for maximum permissible train speeds up to 160 km/h.